
In the midst of heavy rains and devastating floods in Kenya, the Technical University of Mombasa, in collaboration with Equity Bank, Kenya Forest Service (KFS), and Health and Environmental Research Institute (HERI) Kenya, conducted a tree-planting activity to contribute towards conservation efforts. The inspiring act of planting ten thousand seedlings donated by Equity Bank started on May 2nd at TUM Kwale Campus, Mabokoni. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Laila Abubakar, DVC AFP, Professor Joseph Rasowo, and Director of TUM Kwale Campus, Dr Abdulkadir Banafa, led the exercise. The event saw the collective efforts of the university staff, Environmental Club students, forest rangers, and the community, along with Mr Ruwa Kalama, the Buda Forestation Manager, who represented the County Forest Conservator.

The activity involved planting trees such as Acacia, Casuarina, Sena Siamea (Mjohoro), Palm trees, Terminalia Catappa (Mkungu, Delonix Regia (Flamboyant tree/Mkayamba/Mskukuu), and Mango trees, among others.

Climate change poses a significant threat to the long-term growth and prosperity of all countries and their citizens. It has a direct impact on the economic, social, and physical well-being of people around the world. The crisis is becoming increasingly severe, frequent, and intense, leading to humanitarian emergencies such as floods, tropical storms, heatwaves, wildfires, and hurricanes. The World Health Organization conservatively estimates that by the 2030s, climate change impacts on diseases like malaria and coastal flooding could result in 250,000 additional yearly deaths.

Coincidentally, this activity took place on the same day that the government of Kenya issued a warning that the Coast is likely to be hit by a tropical cyclone; ‘Cyclone Hidaya’ within the next few days. The cabinet indicated that the cyclone may bring with it heavy rainfall, large waves and strong winds that could affect marine activities in the Indian Ocean.

The tree-planting activity is thus TUM's attempt to promote sustainability and combat climate change. It is a testament to the significant impact that collective efforts can have on protecting our environment.

Tags: TUM, Tree-Planting, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Floods, Rains, Mombasa, Environment Conservation

