Director's Message


Welcome to Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) TVET Institute. We are situated at the port city of Mombasa within the Technical University of Mombasa. TUM TVET Institute was launched in 2016 through a University Council resolution that saw the Directorate of TVET transformed into an Institute mandated to coordinate the admission of all Diploma and Certificate students among others. TUM TVET Institute is fully accredited by the Technical Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA), Ministry of Education to provide training in Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in various courses at Diploma and Certificate levels. TUM TVET Institute endeavors to offer skill based training in line with the goal of employment creation as well as wealth creation through application of Science, Technology and Innovation. Our curriculum implementation model takes cognizance of the needs of industry by giving the trainees intensive hands-on training in their particular trade areas and also a mandatory industrial attachment. TUM TVET Institute takes pride in the rich history it inherited from The Mombasa Polytechnic, which was well known for producing highly innovative, competent very marketable technologists, which we undertake to preserve forever. We boast of a strong diverse workforce that is committed to the provision of quality education and training in an enabling environment geared towards producing graduates with desirable knowledge, attitudes and skills for the global job market.