Why study with us

Embark on a journey of innovation and education at the Institute of Computing and Informatics (ICI) at TUM. Positioned within a renowned technical university, ICI stands out as a trailblazer in developing, deploying, and maintaining all software in-house in TUM, including cutting-edge networking solutions. This distinctive approach guarantees our students immersive, hands-on experiences, covering everything from foundational principles to advanced applications.

Recognizing the pivotal role of hands-on learning, ICI plunges students into the actual development and maintenance processes, providing them with a distinct advantage in the dynamic field of computing. The institute's unwavering commitment to in-house software production presents an unparalleled opportunity for students to seamlessly connect theoretical knowledge with real-world applications.

Furthermore, our distinguished faculty members bring a wealth of experience from both international and local spheres, creating a dynamic learning environment. This diverse exposure ensures students gain a comprehensive understanding of global trends and local challenges in the ever-evolving computing and informatics landscape.

Opting for ICI isn't just selecting an educational institution; it's choosing a transformative journey that extends beyond textbooks. Our curriculum is meticulously designed to nurture practical skills and foster a global perspective. Join us at the forefront of technology, where you can empower yourself with the knowledge and experiences essential to excel in the ever-evolving world of computing and informatics.